“Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: ‘I am the LORD your God, who teaches you to profit, Who leads you in the way you should go.’” Isaiah 48:17 NKJV
Last year I printed that verse on a poster and hung it on the wall right next to my desk. I looked at it often and even prayed it on a regular basis. Then I went about my normal day, tackling my work by doing what I knew to do.
For much of 2019 I have been struggling with discontent. Not the first time for that, but almost always a turning point of some sort for me. If you’ve been regularly reading my blog posts, you know I’ve been making lots of changes in my life. It’s what I do when I’m discontent as I seek ways to resolve it.
- I created a vision board.
- I’m praying regularly for those items on my board.
- I spent weeks tracking how and where I spent my time each day.
- Now I’m creating new work habits based on what I learned about my time.
I’ve also been trying a new form of prayer journaling with the Illuminate Prayer Journal by CJ and Shelley Hitz.
With each change, the discontent (and discouragement) would disappear for a bit, but then return. Then one day last month I reached my limit. I spent my quiet time asking God why I wasn’t seeing answers to my prayers.
How Did God Answer?
He took me to John 16:24,
“Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” (NKJV)
It wasn’t the ask that got my attention, but the you will receive. God knows my earthly experiences have left me jaded about receiving. Those experiences had washed over into my relationship with Him.
He didn’t say “ask and maybe you’ll receive.” No, it’s “ask, and you will receive.”
The following morning He brought me back to Isaiah 48:17. He told me, “You aren’t asking Me to teach you to profit. Ask, then stop and listen to what I tell you.” (In my Bible study, Unshakable Faith, I call moments like that “ouch moments.”)
My knowledge is limited! Neither do I have my thumb on the pulse of the world. God does. He knows everything.
Even though I hadn’t been asking, God has still been teaching me. His Word always accomplishes its purpose (Isaiah 55:11). He was teaching me when…
- My business mentor prompted me to track my time.
- I listened to Donald Miller’s podcast interview with Michael Hyatt.
- I started mega-batching my job tasks.
This is probably not at all what you expected from “Being Taught How to Profit.” But the best teacher in the world falls fall short of the wisdom and guidance God can provide.
And all we have to do is ask!
I’m asking every day during my quiet time. He’s answering, and guiding me one step at a time.
Is God CEO of your business? If so, then seek Him. Ask Him how to market your books. Ask Him what books to write or courses to create.
Ask Him to teach you how to profit.
Recommended resource:
Illuminate Prayer Journal by CJ and Shelley Hitz
Right on, Deb. always a timely word, thank you!
Debra, this is an excellent post. I often have the same conversations with God in prayer, and your post reminded me to continue upgrading my vision and expectations for how God responds. I know that His ways are higher than ours – while I was looking for a “handout” in some ways, he has been giving me tools to find total life prosperity (financally, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually). I just need to see them as such and praise Him for faithfully answering my prayers. Thanks again.
Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed it. It’s so easy to think profit/prosperity is linked to finances only, but that is a small part of the prosperity God has for us. All the money in the world can’t buy true health, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. If we were billionaires, but lacked peace, we wouldn’t be prospering, we’d be caught in fear and strife.
It is my my experience that I am often disappointed because my hopes are not met. I feel that God hasn’t answered my prayers. But that is not true. Later, something even better turns up – always. Have faith and God bless you.
James, thanks for your encouragement. I know God is helping my roots in Him to grow. Our culture wants everything now, and patience must be developed.