Change. Sometimes we willing embrace it—like getting a new computer. Sometimes it’s forced on us—like getting downsized. Either way, it’s rarely easy. Why is that?
Because we prefer to stay in our comfort zone, no matter how uncomfortable we are with what’s in our comfort zone. But like a caterpillar to a butterfly, change is essential to our growth.
I put off buying a new computer for more than a year, even though I knew full well I needed one. I put up with the glitches and the slow speeds because that was easier than the work involved in getting a new one up and running with all my special programs and my files transferred from my hard drive. (Transition made in late December 2024 and no, it wasn’t easy, though my IT-savvy son made it possible!)
We tolerate things (surely I’m not the only one who does this) because we know how to handle what has become routine, and we don’t know how we’ll handle something new that comes with change.
If we want to reach the goals we make for ourselves (aka, make a better life for ourselves), we must learn to see change differently.
Change forces us to look at how we’re currently doing things. Maybe we’re stuck in our ways, but those ways are now hindering our efficiency and productivity (like my old computer did). Maybe that change brings a false belief to our realization, one that has kept us from moving forward toward our goal.
Leaving behind things that no longer serve us and stepping into the unknown toward our desires and goals can be scary. That’s when courage shows up—when we need it. But if we don’t step outside our comfort zone, we’ll never know what we are truly capable of accomplishing.
Making Change
This seems a fitting topic for January, though I certainly didn’t plan it that way.
The year 2024 brought major changes to my life thanks to a personal growth program I joined (Life Is Now, INC). And I’m excited about the changes coming my way in 2025. Those changes will bring better things to me…and to you. Yes, to you, because as I grow, I can better help you reach the writing goals you have for your life, and maybe even some outside of writing.
Don’t be afraid of what’s ahead. Each challenge in life brings a lesson for you to learn that you’ll need later on. Remember that God is with you, and that with God all things are possible. Remind yourself of that truth as often as you have to. You might also want to read my post “Destined to Succeed in Your Purpose.”
Below is a tiny list of books I read (and recommend) in 2024 that led my way for change:
- As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
- The Power of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic) by David Emerald
- You2 by Price Pritchett
- Working with the Law: 11 Truth Principles for Successful Living by Raymond Holliwell
- Be Your Future Self Now: The Science of Intentional Transformation by Dr. Benjamin Hardy
(This list contains affiliate links. It doesn’t cost you extra but does help me earn a few extra dollars.)
Let’s make 2025 a year of big dreams and accomplishments.