You will find a form at the bottom of this page to contact me about services you desire or have questions about. Fill out the form and you’ll hear back from me with 1-2 business days.
Individual Hourly Coaching
Do you need an hour of my time to ask questions and gain direction for your writing? Fill out the request form below to schedule. Fee: $75/hr.
Book Services
I specialize in editing adult contemporary and historical fiction in a variety of subgenres. I do not edit horror or erotica.
Developmental editing looks at the big issues of your manuscript. For fiction it’s plot, character development, pacing, and more. Price: $.05 per word.
Copy/line editing goes line-by-line to flag word choices and factual errors, to fix grammatical errors, punctuation, typos, and more. Price: $.035 per word.
Both developmental and line edit, price $.06/word.
Cover design for print and digital. Price: $400 for the bundle; $350 print only; $250 ebook only.
Interior layout for print and digital. Price: $1200 for the bundle; $1000 for individual option. This price is based on a manuscript of 70,000 to 90,000 words and includes one round of proofreading changes. If your book is less than 70,000 or more than 90,000, please ask for a quote.
Live Workshops
3 Simple Steps to Create Unforgettable Characters
(coming later this year)
Characters that captivate the reader are essential to all good novels. This workshop discusses a 3-step method to build your characters as well as utilizing elements outside the norm such as cultural communication differences and temperament devices like Myers-Briggs and Keirsey. Then putting it all together into a character profile as a guiding document while writing.
Self-Editing Workshop Jan. 25, 10:30 Central
Discover how to make the maze of self-editing a straight path you can smoothly navigate. In this workshop, we’ll cover facing your fear, where to start, what to look for, and do actual edits on participant submissions. Scheduled for January 25, 2025, at 10:30 a.m. Central time. Registration now open.
How to Show not Tell
Every writer hears “show don’t tell,” but what does that mean? This workshop will show you exactly what it is and how to do it. Edits of actual submissions will provide examples of what to look for and how easy it is to shift from telling to showing. Scheduled for March 13, at 6:00 p.m. Central time.
How to Determine the Best POV for Your Story (coming later this year)
The best POV for a story isn’t always your main character. And it isn’t just about using first, second, or third person. You’ll the basics of POV, what you need to consider before starting, how each character’s POV affects the story that gets told, and what to do if you get stuck deciding.
Request Services
Fill out the form below to request services.