I couldn’t let December pass without visiting the topic of setting goals.
As I write this, it is still November, but I have set aside December to review my 2023 goals. I’ll figure out where I went wrong with those I didn’t meet, and what I did right with those I accomplished.
Goals give us direction.
But in our work-work-work culture, goals can easily become task masters. Do not let that happen. The goal is there to serve you, not vice versa. Don’t beat yourself up about those you didn’t meet. If you still want to reach that goal, carry it over to the coming year. But before you do, determine why you didn’t meet it, and then revise your plan, if needed, to get there.
Setting goals can also backfire on you by demanding more time than you have to commit to reaching them. This is the pit in which I often find myself. A possible fix for this is to determine how much time you have to spend. In my case, if I devote 4 hours per day toward my freelance work and 2 hours per day to write, that means I only have 2 hours left (if I stick to an 8-hour day) to put toward other tasks like marketing. Another option might be to batch your tasks into one day.
Most of us know to how set S.M.A.R.T. goals so I won’t belabor that here.
What I want to stress is that you allow yourself time to consider what you truly want and how you plan to get there. The how might not present itself right away, but making the decision to attain something will stimulate your mind to look for the how.
Thinking Is Work Too
As I looked back on previous posts about setting goals, I realized I often don’t take my own advice. I get caught in this false idea that my work hours must be spent only writing or editing. I’m telling myself right now, That’s a lot of hooie!
As an entrepreneur, thinking about how to improve your business, brainstorming ideas, developing plans, and reading educational books are all a part of your work day and will contribute to accomplishing your goals.
Another pit I fall into is cramming too much into my day/week. Maybe you do the same thing, especially if you work a day job. That makes it even more important for you to spend time seeking the Lord for His guidance in setting your goals. Be realistic in how much time each day/week/month you can commit to the tasks of being an author.
When you are on His path for your life, your work will be more fruitful.
Here are links to some previous posts you might find helpful on various aspects of reaching goals:
“How Do Mind-set and Beliefs Help Me Reach my Goals? “
“Are You Trying to Reach Your Goals?”
“Do We Set Goals or Fulfill Our Calling?”