We all do it at some point in our lives for one reason or another. For me, it’s usually because I’m faced with doing something I don’t like. I think that’s the reason for many people.
When I stop to think about why I don’t like doing something, there’s often an underlying fear of making a mistake that will impact others.
Procrastination can negatively impact your life in big ways: low productivity, failure to meet your goals, low self-esteem, rushed decisions, poor health, and more. It can be a self-sabotaging pattern, so if you find yourself doing it on a regular basis, then it’s time to figure out why.
Sit down and make a list of the tasks you find yourself regularly putting off. Then ask yourself some questions and be honest with your answers. No one is reading over your shoulder or judging you.
- Why don’t I like this?
- Is there an underlying fear to my dislike? If so, what it is it? (There might be more than one.)
- Are you feeling overwhelmed with the task? Unfortunately, procrastinating contributes to the overwhelm. What is causing the overwhelm? Can you temporarily delegate it or hire someone else to do it?
- Is it a task that is better to permanently delegate or hire out because it’s simply not in your wheelhouse to do?
For me, discovering the underlying fear(s) is often enough for me to overcome putting off the task. But you might find you need more. Here is an excellent article on breaking the cycle.
Don’t let procrastination keep you from reaching the better life you want for yourself. Take charge today.
Do you feel overwhelmed with all you must do as an indie author?
Put an end to that with “How to Manage Your Author Business.”
Discover what makes your writing a business versus a hobby. Next, learn about important free business resources to help you run your business, including where and how to find a business mentor.
Then dive into the day-to-day routine with…
- How to manage the many jobs of an indie author
- How to manage the costs (including what expenses you can deduct), and
- How to manage your time and productivity.
“How to Manage Your Author Business” is 19 pages of straightforward information to help you manage the tasks beyond writing your book. Get your copy today for only $3.99.
(excerpted from Self-editing & Publishing Tips for the Indie Author)