Get past your fears, your doubts, your lack of expertise, your (you fill in the blank), about creating a writer/author website for yourself.
As a writer you want to give readers and potential publishers and magazine editors a place to go and find out more about yourself. In fact, it’s a must.
Your website is the answer. Here you can let them know who you are, what you have to offer, and list your publication credits. No credits yet, then wow visitors with your sparkling web copy.
What’s keeping you from starting a website?
I had a personal website with my story of living with myasthenia gravis back in 1995 long before everyone had websites. My health improved and I started working part-time and then full time so my web presence has faded. At the present time I don’t have publication credits I feel worthy of promoting with a website.
I do have an idea for a children’s book and when and if I set down to write it I will build a website. Many of the contacts I had with my old website are still internet friends and I have personally met many of them. I feel that they would be interested in the book that is floating around in my head.
Donna, kudos for diving in before the crowd. You are ahead of the game–you’ve already gotten your feet wet in the world of websites, and you’ve maintained the relationships. I’m glad your health improved. Keep that idea bouncing around, and make a commitment to get it written.